Sunday, December 5, 2010

Prevent Premature Ejaculation

Self Distraction to prevent premature ejaculation If your arousal levels are getting too high and a climax is beginning, take a deep breath and think about something else, something very boring if possible.

When you are less aroused but maintaining an erection you can then continue. Stop and Start Method for premature ejaculation If you find yourself nearing climax withdraw your penis from your partner and allow yourself to relax enough to prevent ejaculation. By starting and stopping sexual stimulation you can learn to prolong the sex act.

Squeeze Methods can help prevent premature ejaculation. This method involves either the man or his partner squeezing (fairly firmly) the end or the tip of the penis for 10 to 20 seconds when ejaculation is imminent, withholding stimulation for about 30 seconds, then continuing stimulation. This can be repeated until ejaculation is desired. The stop and start method can be used with the squeeze method as well.

Desensitizing Creams for premature ejaculation. Creams can be used to desensitize the end of the penis. They act like a local or tropical anesthetic. Thicker condoms (or two condoms) can also desensitize by decreasing sensitivity and therefore stimulation, thus prolonging the sexual act.

More Foreplay prevents premature ejaculation. Stimulate your partner to a state of high arousal before you have your genitals touched, that way ejaculation and orgasm can be achieved about the same time.

Masturbation to prevent premature ejaculation. Practice different methods by yourself. Getting to know your feelings and sensations gives you the chance to gain confidence.

Remember getting good at sex and overcoming premature ejaculation can take a bit of time. Practice makes perfect. If you find that things are not improving then help is available from sex therapists who are experts in this field.

Thank you for reading. Please take moment to learn more about Natural Health Products by visiting our Website. All Natural Health Products

Sunday, August 8, 2010

“Mother Nature’s medicines"

Have you ever considered alternative means of medicines? Natural health or as I like to phrase it “Mother Nature’s medicines”, these can be very powerful health solutions. My experience with these types of medications has always been very successful. What I mean is I have a certain condition and want to find an all natural solution rather than a manmade chemical solution, I have always been successful with the all natural solutions. These are the type of solutions I seek because of the low risk of side effects, and not to mention the relative cost differential. Natural products are almost always the lesser costing alternative.

The first time I chose an all natural health product was for an infliction of a fungus that was turning my toenails yellow and making them very brittle. I later found, after some research on my embarrassing problem, that the infliction was relatively common and I could go to my doctor and get a prescription that would cure the infliction. After some discussion with my doctor I found that the leading medication for my problem could take up to a year to have full relief. I then decided that I would seek on alternative solution. I had hoped to find a solution that would work a little faster.

Without using a product name, I came across an all natural topical solution. I used this product everyday as directed. The entire process to clear up my infliction took less than six months. The infected toenails are now free of all signs of fungus and are healthy and strong. When I first started this treatment I was very skeptical that it would work. Now I realize that my skepticisms were all in vain. I have begun to seek for these all natural health products and allow Mother Nature to unfold her powers and heal and rejuvenate me.

I know that these all natural health products will invoke your skepticisms, but give Mother Nature a chance to prove herself to you before you turn your back on her.

All natural nail fungus cure

Thank you for reading. Please take moment to learn more about Natural Health Products by visiting our Website. All Natural Health Products

Monday, July 19, 2010

Natural Health Products and Herbal Supplements

Natural Supplements, Natural Health Products and Herbal Supplements promote an environment in your body that is conducive for establishing and maintaining good health. The body literally craves for all the essential Vitamins, Minerals, Trace Minerals, Amino Acids and all the Nutrients it positively requires to perform on a minute to minute basis.

It is mandatory that our bodies receive a daily portion of the correct Health Supplements in order for our immune system to function properly. Make no mistake, you won't achieve your goal of maintaining a healthy immune system without supplementing. Eating the 'right foods is no longer sufficient.

If you are inflicted with a serious or potentially life-threatening health situation consult a physician with knowledge in the field of complimentary or nutritional therapy before undertaking a program of Health Products and Health Supplements. Our Website is packed full of information on all your natural health product needs.